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Pitchkettle Road- Tyler Family Virtual Home Dedication

Join us in welcoming home the Tyler Family! They have finally been able to move into their house on Pitchkettle Road and are starting to settle into their new home. Be sure to watch their virtual home dedication until the end to see a full walk-thru of the completed build. 

Thank you' s go out to the home build sponsors Birdsong Peanuts, the land donation from the Peter Fortune Estate, International Women Build Week Sponsors Lowes and all the volunteers who built alongside Jamie. Without all our supporters families like the Tylers are able to be in a home of their own during the holiday season. 

A special THANK YOU goes out to our volunteer crew leaders, the Red Hats!! When everything came to a halt at the start of the pandemic, they wouldn't step away from the build until it was completed. 


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